About Author

“The more we know about each other, the better equipped we are to uplift, inspire, and bring out the best in one another.”

This About Us page is about me, writing these words, and one other person, helping me write them.

It is about you too, however, since it is written for you. To get to know you.  So, picture it as a hand reaching out to shake yours. Picture it as a friendly face smiling at you. As that is precisely what I am doing right now.


I am Snee.

If I should choose one word to describe myself it would be persistence. Persistence in doing first what I was expected to do, and lately what I think is good for me. This includes hiking. And writing. But let’s go back a bit 🔙.

Up until a couple of years ago, you would find me a typical representative of the work hard, play hard and then work even harder mentality. A corporate woman in her thirties, working 10+ hours a day, hitting the work, the clubs and the gym with the same high intensity. Life is good, I thought. I was a good girl doing the right things at all times no matter the circumstances. All of it will pay off eventually, it has to.

It took the Covid 19 pandemic to make me realize that the treadmill of handling heavy stress to make money and then relieving the stress by spending the money did not do me any favor. Nor were nicotine and weights of any assistance to my asthma and weak knees.

It was the summer of 2020 when I decided to slow down and rethink.

One thing led to another. I quit my job, stopped smoking, moved to the countryside, got married and started walking instead of going to the gym. I also started writing. And that is where you find me now. Writing about hiking and loving every moment of it.


Hiking in Writing gives you two types of texts.

One would be equipment reviews. These will help you make up your mind and choose wisely and more easily (if the latter is even possible nowadays 😂). Fulfilling this purpose and keeping the texts “easy to digest” is a true writing challenge.

The other category would include informative/motivational texts. In these, I try to address basic hiking concerns, particularly those among beginners, discuss some health issues that impact hiking, based on my personal experience, and offer useful tips and advice.

Truth be told, this second category actually forms a plot scheme to draw you to the game of hiking and keep you there.  The game will do you good, and nothing but good. Take my asthmatic word for it 😎.


According to the experts, I should define a clear mission and vision statement here. To me, the very words sound too corporate and make me shiver with unease. I prefer a more human approach. So, speaking honestly, I do not have a clear mission and vision here. Nor do I want to. But I do wish and hope for three things:

  1. To write about what I know and love, which makes me feel good. A totally subjective motive 😁,
  2. To offer useful information I have come to know, and
  3. To inspire as many of you as possible to start and/or continue hiking (this and/or also feels too corporate haha). That is the biggest favor you can do for yourself.


This is going to sound like a cliché, but none of this would probably happen had there not been for one person. My husband. A digital nomad and a hiker. My “whom with”. He contributes to my life and my blogs.

So, rest assured, there are more than 3 years of hiking experience behind what you can find here 💪. 


It’s not the destination. It’s the journey that matters.

In that context, I do not know how this Hiking in Writing endeavor might end up. But I know how it starts. It starts with my desire to extend the support I got as a beginner in hiking. That is why I write. To be your “whom with”. As far as it is in my power. And the power of technology 👌 .

So read carefully and ask any questions you might have.

And keep walking in the meanwhile ❤.


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