Despite what many might argue, hiking sandals are a useful pair of shoes. Comfort. Breathability. Freedom of movement. That is what the best hiking sandals provide. Reasons for having hiking sandals are these and many others. In our opinion, the pros supersede the cons by far.

However, once you have decided you do want to buy a pair of hiking sandals, another question rises- which ones to buy i.e. how to know which of so many are the best for you? We know it is hard. We also know that what you don’t need is an extensive never-ending list stuffed with technicalities that leaves you in an even more complicated maze. For this reason, we have prepared a concise list of the Best Hiking Sandals for 2023. The list contains credible and useful info that might just help you make up your mind or at least narrow your search. We made the list short deliberately because the point is to help you not to confuse you. So, read in peace and find your favorite pair.


If you are here just for a glance of our selection, check the list below. If you are in more details and reasons, continue reading further. Whatever you do,  just don’t miss the shopping advice after the reviews. It’s a must-read.

    • Best hiking sandals in total – Chaco Z Cloud
    • Close second best hiking sandals – Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure
    • Best hiking sandals for water – Keen Newport H2
    • Best hiking sandals for the budget – Teva Hurricane XLT 2
    • Best supportive hiking sandals – Ecco Yucatan
    • Best of the rest – Xero Z – Trail EV


Best for: Everyday and trail use

: Excellent support and durability, great traction, extremely comfortable, high variety of choice

Cons: Slightly heavier than the competition

Chaco Z Cloud are the ultimate hiking sandals. The Z strap model is a superstar both in hiking and water sports. These sandals are on top of our Best Hiking Sandals list for several reasons. First, they are a top-notch combination of comfort and stability. The midsole is absolutely famous and we love them for the way they secure the heel which cannot be compared to any other candidates on our Best Hiking Sandals list. The second reason is that the grip they provide on soft surfaces such as sand and mud is stunning. Finally, the durability of these sandals is absolutely amazing. Experienced hikers reported using these sandals for 3 years before any need for resoling or replacement. Also, Chaco is a company taking care of its customers so if you decide on these or any other Chaco sandals you can count on an in-house repair service (ReChaco).

Some argue that the bulkiness of these sandals is a reason not to use them on long hikes. We beg to disagree. The comfort and the grip Chaco Z Cloud provide compensates for any surplus in weight of these sandals.  So, irrespective of the weight, Chaco Z Cloud sandals occupy place no. 1 on our Best Hiking Sandals list and they do it for more than a reason. End of story.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Extremely lightweight, easily adjustable, very comfortable

Cons: Strap between toes, not as supportive as competition

Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure have been one of the top sellers for years. That is no accident. These sandals are the best hiking sandals for all those who prefer lightweight shoes. They are comfortable, and have a good grip on almost all surfaces including dirt and rocks (Vibram sole). The adjustability of their bands is barely believable, meaning these sandals are as close as it gets to a perfect fit. All these qualities make them an almost unbeatable combination of everything a hiker could possibly ask for right?

Yet, there are two things these sandals simply do not excel in. Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure have a strap between the toes. This is not a first choice for many hikers because the Y shape strap can cause rubbing and prevents you from wearing socks. Also, these sandals are indeed lightweight but their consequential minimalism is not something hikers are used to. When tested, they prove to offer less arch support than their competition. This accounts for sore feet on longer hikes for anyone with arch problems. These two minor setbacks are why Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure take the second place on our Best Hiking Sandals for 2023 list. However, remember that this is the closest second place ever.


Best for: Trail and water sports

Pros: Toe protection, very comfortable and safe

Cons: Slightly heavier, not everybody’s aesthetic choice

To begin with, it is enough to say that Keen Newport H2 is a flagship model of the company. These sandals are famous for the level of protection they provide – particularly for the toes. Keen Newport H2 have a rubber toe protection that is practically unbeatable; rocks and stones can harm you. Add to it polyester bands and quick-drying lining and you get a perfect sandal for all those who like to get their feet wet.  The grip is good and cushioning is more than satisfactory.

These sandals are an excellent choice altogether. However, to enable equal treatment, we will list several deficiencies we believe are minor compared to what Keen Newport H2 give. Our third best hiking sandals are robust. They look like hiking shoes with cuts, which does not make them a perfect choice for everyday use. This also means that these hiking sandals are not particularly light.  Moreover, sizing can cause problems since models seem to be smaller than expected. To conclude, if, in your case, safety and comfort come way before looks, you have just found yourself a perfect pair of hiking sandals.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Best value for the money

Cons: Provide less support than the competition

The reason why we put these sandals on our Best Hiking Sandals list is that Teva Hurricane XLT 2 are definitely the best value for the money on the market. This means that you will pay approximately $30 less on average for a pair of sandals that do not lag behind that much in quality of production and general performance. Teva Hurricane XLT provide good cushioning for longer trails. They have a high-performance outsole with lugs that will help you conquer a high variety of terrain types all in a single hike. These sandals also behave well in water. The neoprene cushion on the heel will keep the foot safe when wet and the strips will generally dry of quite quickly.

One of the disadvantages of these generally excellent sandals is the fact that midfoot is very exposed. This means that when hiking on a demanding terrain you might wish you bought something more closed and robust. Some hikers also experienced problems with the plastic connecting the straps at the front of the sandal. Yet, all these are just minor deficiencies of the best budget hiking sandals you will ever find. You will never regret buying them.


Best for: Trail

Pros: Support and reliability, high adjustability

Cons: Cost, bulky looks

Despite the fact that they are the priciest on the market, Eco Yucatan still find their way to their buyers. And they do it quite easily too. This is because they are a safe choice. When you buy Eco Yucatan you buy a well-built and strong pair of hiking sandals. Sturdy on the outside yet comfortable on the inside, these sandals provide excellent protection and high comfort. What hikers also love about them is the fact that straps on these sandals can be adjusted on several points. This means that you can quite easily find a perfect fit.

All this being said makes you wonder why aren’t these sandals on top of the Best Hiking Sandals list. Well, there are several reasons. The first is the price. We believe you can get the same or at least close to the same overall performance for lower amount of money. Second, these sandals look bulky and slightly old-fashioned.  Some extra weight comes with these qualities too. Anyhow, to sum up, if you do not like to overthink, prefer a highly reliable choice over a good-looking one and don’t mind spending several bucks more, you do not have to read another line. You are free to go to the store or click a button and buy.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Lightweight and flexibility

Cons: Not as supportive and durable as the competition

Xero Z – Trail EV are the best hiking sandals for all those who prefer things minimalistic. The designers of these sandals decided to focus on the movement of bare feet while running. For this reason, Xero Z – Trail EV are almost featherweight. Materials used in the production of these are so flexible that sandals can easily be twisted. All the low weight and flexibility contribute to the “barely there” feeling many hikers were happy to report.

However, all these admirable qualities came at a cost. These sandals lag behind in support and protection. Also, they wear out quite easily meaning that durability can represent a problem.  Nevertheless, Xero Z-Trail EV have found their place on our Best Hiking Sandals list simply because many hikers prefer the feeling they give. The balance and agility of comfortable yet thin sole is a top priority for many who do not mind buying hiking sandals more frequently.


In this section, we list the items we selected based on their price, from the cheapest to the most expensive. You can easily compare the weight and the price, to find a balance. Our rating and the reasoning behind it given in the last two columns might also help you make up your mind.

Name Price Weight Our rating Reason
Teva Hurricane XLT 2 75 $ 1 lb 4 oz 4 Not as protective as competition.
Xero Z – Trail EV 80 $ 10.8 oz 6 We love low weight and price but would still prefer more support.
Chaco Z Cloud 100 $ 1 lb 14 oz 1 Excel in all hiking conditions and features to the point that weight becomes irrelevant.
Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure 115 $ lb 2 Simply great performers.
Keen Newport H2 125 $ 1 lb 12.3 oz 3 The highest protection among hiking sandals.
Ecco Yucatan 150 $ 1 lb 12.6 oz 5 Reliable choice but quite costly.


Hiking sandals are much different than all other types of hiking footwear. This goes to say that the pattern we follow in giving buying advice to our readers, cannot be applied in this case.

To start with, it would be nonsense to discuss waterproofness of hiking sandals. And breathability too, as the whole purpose of hiking sandals is to allow for free transit of air and water. Moreover, the weight of the hiking sandals is important, of course, but not to the extent that we should make specific categories of hiking sandals based on it. After all, the heaviest hiking sandals weigh as much as light hiking shoes on our Best Hiking Shoes in 2023 list. They are all light. Some of them are just lighter.

We do encourage you to check the weight, hence the info in the table above, but also to pay more attention to the features below.


Traction is always an important element to consider when buying hiking footwear. However, it is particularly important with hiking sandals. This is because hiking sandals, being sandals, lack the structure and stability of hiking shoes or boots. As a consequence, the role that traction plays in the overall stability of hiking sandals becomes emphasized. Traction is, as always, secured by lugs and outsoles.


The best hiking sandals will have strong multi-directional patterns with prominent lugs. This combination copes well with various types of terrains such as gravel, sand, rocks or even mud. As we have said in our reviews of other types of hiking footwear, traction is all about friction and the prevention of slippage. As far as hiking is concerned, versatile patterns and deeper lugs stand for a better grip.


Again, rubber is the material to look for. In some cases, it will be Vibram, such as with Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure, number 2 on our Best Hiking Sandals list. These outsoles proved remarkably well on all types of surfaces in terms of both their overall performance and durability. Vibram outsoles are comfortable and will not slip on a leafy trail or a wet rock. In some other cases, however, you will not find Vibram but rather outsoles made of an in-house rubber compound. Chaco Z Cloud, our number 1, is an example of this category. Chaco’s rubber outsoles are extremely capable and durable, reported to last for several seasons of heavy use. They will take you anywhere, from sandy beaches to rocky slopes and they will bring you back safe and sound.


For many of you, comfort is the key element in deciding which hiking sandals to buy. This is for two reasons:

  1. Hiking sandals are bought because people want more comfort compared to what they get wearing hiking shoes for example, and
  2. When you wear hiking sandals, your skin is in direct contact with footwear (unless you decide to wear socks too). So, if the sandals are not comfortable enough, blisters will be waiting just around the corner.

How comfortable hiking sandals are depends mainly on the uppers, meaning straps and the way these are attached to one another around your foot to secure a proper fit. In hiking, the latter is called the closure system.


Best hiking sandals have straps made of synthetic materials, most often nylon webbing. These materials are highly durable and resistant to all sorts of weather conditions. At the same time, they are highly flexible and comfortable. They do a good job.

It is the overall arrangement of the straps that you have to pay attention to when looking for the best hiking sandals. Generally speaking, you will get straps around the heel, over the instep and across the forefoot. However, variations do exist. You get to choose between sandals with or without Y strap (the one that goes between your toes), with X-shaped straps (crossing one another on the instep) or with a straight step arrangement. Our particular advice here is to pay attention to lateral stability. Most hiking sandals provide solid ankle support but support from the sides varies significantly between the models.

Closure system

It would be easier to say lacing here, but not all hiking sandals have laces. Actually, depending on how they are fastened, all hiking sandals can be divided into three categories.

  1. Buckles,
  2. Velcro, and
  3. Elastic laces

All closure systems have their benefits. Yet, buckles are our favorite. This is because they are more durable than Velcro, particularly if you tend to get your feet wet quite often. So, if you want a highly reliable, durable and comfortable closure system, Chaco Z Cloud will be your perfect choice.

However, other closure systems must not be underrated. Most hiking sandals on our list have Velcro. The benefit of this material is the speed at which you can easily adjust the sandals based on your current needs. So, for example, Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure, our number 2, combines Velcro and buckles in their design, making an astonishingly fast and reliable closure.

Last but not the least is elastic lacing system, also called bungee lacing. Sandals with these are generally more shoe-like, such as Keen Newport H2, our number 3. The benefit of bungee lacing also lies in the speed of their adjustment (single pull) and in the fact that laces are generally found in more protective hiking sandals.

Toe protection

Not all hiking sandals have toe protection. Actually, few of them do. On our list of best hiking sandals, for example, only Keen Newport H2 feature this quality.

This fact has a lot to do with where and how people use hiking sandals. Many use them for water sports too which leave your toes pretty vulnerable. So, if frequent stepping over slippery wet stones is what you do for sports, strong toe protection comes as a true blessing. However, if you need hiking sandals for hiking exclusively or for everyday use, we recommend you choose open-toe sandals.  


The stability of the hiking sandals is secured by all the above and slightly more.

  1. Stable hiking sandals will have deep and versatile lugs. Less prominent lugs are better for water sports.
  2. Stability is also connected with the strap arrangement. Straps that intersect with one another over your instep give great stability. So do the parallel straps, the ones that secure your foot from the sides. Chaco Z Cloud and Ecco Yucatan are great examples of these, respectively.
  3. Arch support complements overall stability. Minimalistic hiking sandals such as Xero Z – Trail EV are lighter but also offer less arch support. These are great for mild hikes and everyday use. More bulky hiking sandals, such as the two above, are more supportive and more stable, which makes them better for moderate and difficult trails.
  4. Fit too plays a massive role in stability. It is how the sandals feel when you try them on. This feature cannot be clearly described as it depends almost entirely on the shape of your feet and your personal preferences. In any case, we highly recommend you try the sandals on for a few minutes before making a purchase. Give yourself time to consider all of the above.


Considering how the waterproofness of hiking footwear is provided, breathability becomes an almost completely opposite feature. As if the two were mutually exclusive. Which they are, again to a considerable extent.

Namely, no waterproof boot is 100% waterproof. The billions of pores in the membranes as tiny as they may be still exist and remain open. This means that if you dip the boots in water and let them stay for a while, some water will inevitably penetrate inside. Along with some air.

So, despite what declarations might claim, full breathability is only possible in nonwaterproof boots such as Merrel Moab 3 Mid. This means that your feet will get wet but will have the opportunity to dry off. However, various types of waterproof boots allow for different levels of air ventilation. For example, heavyweight leather boots with Gore-Tex membranes do not perform well in this context. Yet, our number 5 on the list, La Sportiva Nucleo High II GTX, breathes remarkably well with their heavy meshes and Gore-Tex Surround. eVent upper of the Altra Lone Peak ALL-WTHR Mid 2 also breathes much better than the competition.

Socks or no socks

Hiking does not have much to do with fashion (heavens, thank you for this). So, what some consider a big fashion no no, is a big hiking yes yes. This includes wearing socks with sandals. You are free to wear the two together as long as it suits you so.

One thing has to be considered, though. If you intend to wear socks with hiking sandals, you have to think of it in advance. Firstly, not all hiking sandals can be worn with socks (Y -trap sandals are no good in this case). Secondly, not all of them will be equally comfortable with and without socks (they might become tight). So, if you plan to wear hiking socks with your sandals for example on a breezy summer evening during a camping trip, try the sandals on both barefooted and in socks. You are on the safe side as long as a minor strap readjustment provides a great fit in both cases.


About Author

Picture of I am Snee

I am Snee

If I should choose one word to describe myself it would be persistence. Persistence in doing first what I was expected to do, and lately what I think is good for me. This includes hiking. And writing. But let’s go back a bit.

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Despite what many might argue, hiking sandals are a useful pair of shoes. Comfort. Breathability. Freedom of movement. That is what the best hiking sandals provide. Reasons for having hiking sandals are these and many others. In our opinion, the pros supersede the cons by far.

However, once you have decided you do want to buy a pair of hiking sandals, another question rises- which ones to buy i.e. how to know which of so many are the best for you? We know it is hard. We also know that what you don’t need is an extensive never-ending list stuffed with technicalities that leaves you in an even more complicated maze. For this reason, we have prepared a concise list of the Best Hiking Sandals for 2023. The list contains credible and useful info that might just help you make up your mind or at least narrow your search. We made the list short deliberately because the point is to help you not to confuse you. So, read in peace and find your favorite pair.


If you are here just for a glance of our selection, check the list below. If you are in more details and reasons, continue reading further. Whatever you do,  just don’t miss the shopping advice after the reviews. It’s a must-read.

    • Best hiking sandals in total – Chaco Z Cloud
    • Close second best hiking sandals – Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure
    • Best hiking sandals for water – Keen Newport H2
    • Best hiking sandals for the budget – Teva Hurricane XLT 2
    • Best supportive hiking sandals – Ecco Yucatan
    • Best of the rest – Xero Z – Trail EV


Best for: Everyday and trail use

: Excellent support and durability, great traction, extremely comfortable, high variety of choice

Cons: Slightly heavier than the competition

Chaco Z Cloud are the ultimate hiking sandals. The Z strap model is a superstar both in hiking and water sports. These sandals are on top of our Best Hiking Sandals list for several reasons. First, they are a top-notch combination of comfort and stability. The midsole is absolutely famous and we love them for the way they secure the heel which cannot be compared to any other candidates on our Best Hiking Sandals list. The second reason is that the grip they provide on soft surfaces such as sand and mud is stunning. Finally, the durability of these sandals is absolutely amazing. Experienced hikers reported using these sandals for 3 years before any need for resoling or replacement. Also, Chaco is a company taking care of its customers so if you decide on these or any other Chaco sandals you can count on an in-house repair service (ReChaco).

Some argue that the bulkiness of these sandals is a reason not to use them on long hikes. We beg to disagree. The comfort and the grip Chaco Z Cloud provide compensates for any surplus in weight of these sandals.  So, irrespective of the weight, Chaco Z Cloud sandals occupy place no. 1 on our Best Hiking Sandals list and they do it for more than a reason. End of story.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Extremely lightweight, easily adjustable, very comfortable

Cons: Strap between toes, not as supportive as competition

Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure have been one of the top sellers for years. That is no accident. These sandals are the best hiking sandals for all those who prefer lightweight shoes. They are comfortable, and have a good grip on almost all surfaces including dirt and rocks (Vibram sole). The adjustability of their bands is barely believable, meaning these sandals are as close as it gets to a perfect fit. All these qualities make them an almost unbeatable combination of everything a hiker could possibly ask for right?

Yet, there are two things these sandals simply do not excel in. Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure have a strap between the toes. This is not a first choice for many hikers because the Y shape strap can cause rubbing and prevents you from wearing socks. Also, these sandals are indeed lightweight but their consequential minimalism is not something hikers are used to. When tested, they prove to offer less arch support than their competition. This accounts for sore feet on longer hikes for anyone with arch problems. These two minor setbacks are why Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure take the second place on our Best Hiking Sandals for 2023 list. However, remember that this is the closest second place ever.


Best for: Trail and water sports

Pros: Toe protection, very comfortable and safe

Cons: Slightly heavier, not everybody’s aesthetic choice

To begin with, it is enough to say that Keen Newport H2 is a flagship model of the company. These sandals are famous for the level of protection they provide – particularly for the toes. Keen Newport H2 have a rubber toe protection that is practically unbeatable; rocks and stones can harm you. Add to it polyester bands and quick-drying lining and you get a perfect sandal for all those who like to get their feet wet.  The grip is good and cushioning is more than satisfactory.

These sandals are an excellent choice altogether. However, to enable equal treatment, we will list several deficiencies we believe are minor compared to what Keen Newport H2 give. Our third best hiking sandals are robust. They look like hiking shoes with cuts, which does not make them a perfect choice for everyday use. This also means that these hiking sandals are not particularly light.  Moreover, sizing can cause problems since models seem to be smaller than expected. To conclude, if, in your case, safety and comfort come way before looks, you have just found yourself a perfect pair of hiking sandals.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Best value for the money

Cons: Provide less support than the competition

The reason why we put these sandals on our Best Hiking Sandals list is that Teva Hurricane XLT 2 are definitely the best value for the money on the market. This means that you will pay approximately $30 less on average for a pair of sandals that do not lag behind that much in quality of production and general performance. Teva Hurricane XLT provide good cushioning for longer trails. They have a high-performance outsole with lugs that will help you conquer a high variety of terrain types all in a single hike. These sandals also behave well in water. The neoprene cushion on the heel will keep the foot safe when wet and the strips will generally dry of quite quickly.

One of the disadvantages of these generally excellent sandals is the fact that midfoot is very exposed. This means that when hiking on a demanding terrain you might wish you bought something more closed and robust. Some hikers also experienced problems with the plastic connecting the straps at the front of the sandal. Yet, all these are just minor deficiencies of the best budget hiking sandals you will ever find. You will never regret buying them.


Best for: Trail

Pros: Support and reliability, high adjustability

Cons: Cost, bulky looks

Despite the fact that they are the priciest on the market, Eco Yucatan still find their way to their buyers. And they do it quite easily too. This is because they are a safe choice. When you buy Eco Yucatan you buy a well-built and strong pair of hiking sandals. Sturdy on the outside yet comfortable on the inside, these sandals provide excellent protection and high comfort. What hikers also love about them is the fact that straps on these sandals can be adjusted on several points. This means that you can quite easily find a perfect fit.

All this being said makes you wonder why aren’t these sandals on top of the Best Hiking Sandals list. Well, there are several reasons. The first is the price. We believe you can get the same or at least close to the same overall performance for lower amount of money. Second, these sandals look bulky and slightly old-fashioned.  Some extra weight comes with these qualities too. Anyhow, to sum up, if you do not like to overthink, prefer a highly reliable choice over a good-looking one and don’t mind spending several bucks more, you do not have to read another line. You are free to go to the store or click a button and buy.


Best for: Trail and everyday use

Pros: Lightweight and flexibility

Cons: Not as supportive and durable as the competition

Xero Z – Trail EV are the best hiking sandals for all those who prefer things minimalistic. The designers of these sandals decided to focus on the movement of bare feet while running. For this reason, Xero Z – Trail EV are almost featherweight. Materials used in the production of these are so flexible that sandals can easily be twisted. All the low weight and flexibility contribute to the “barely there” feeling many hikers were happy to report.

However, all these admirable qualities came at a cost. These sandals lag behind in support and protection. Also, they wear out quite easily meaning that durability can represent a problem.  Nevertheless, Xero Z-Trail EV have found their place on our Best Hiking Sandals list simply because many hikers prefer the feeling they give. The balance and agility of comfortable yet thin sole is a top priority for many who do not mind buying hiking sandals more frequently.


In this section, we list the items we selected based on their price, from the cheapest to the most expensive. You can easily compare the weight and the price, to find a balance. Our rating and the reasoning behind it given in the last two columns might also help you make up your mind.

Name Price Weight Our rating Reason
Teva Hurricane XLT 2 75 $ 1 lb 4 oz 4 Not as protective as competition.
Xero Z – Trail EV 80 $ 10.8 oz 6 We love low weight and price but would still prefer more support.
Chaco Z Cloud 100 $ 1 lb 14 oz 1 Excel in all hiking conditions and features to the point that weight becomes irrelevant.
Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure 115 $ lb 2 Simply great performers.
Keen Newport H2 125 $ 1 lb 12.3 oz 3 The highest protection among hiking sandals.
Ecco Yucatan 150 $ 1 lb 12.6 oz 5 Reliable choice but quite costly.


Hiking sandals are much different than all other types of hiking footwear. This goes to say that the pattern we follow in giving buying advice to our readers, cannot be applied in this case.

To start with, it would be nonsense to discuss waterproofness of hiking sandals. And breathability too, as the whole purpose of hiking sandals is to allow for free transit of air and water. Moreover, the weight of the hiking sandals is important, of course, but not to the extent that we should make specific categories of hiking sandals based on it. After all, the heaviest hiking sandals weigh as much as light hiking shoes on our Best Hiking Shoes in 2023 list. They are all light. Some of them are just lighter.

We do encourage you to check the weight, hence the info in the table above, but also to pay more attention to the features below.


Traction is always an important element to consider when buying hiking footwear. However, it is particularly important with hiking sandals. This is because hiking sandals, being sandals, lack the structure and stability of hiking shoes or boots. As a consequence, the role that traction plays in the overall stability of hiking sandals becomes emphasized. Traction is, as always, secured by lugs and outsoles.


The best hiking sandals will have strong multi-directional patterns with prominent lugs. This combination copes well with various types of terrains such as gravel, sand, rocks or even mud. As we have said in our reviews of other types of hiking footwear, traction is all about friction and the prevention of slippage. As far as hiking is concerned, versatile patterns and deeper lugs stand for a better grip.


Again, rubber is the material to look for. In some cases, it will be Vibram, such as with Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure, number 2 on our Best Hiking Sandals list. These outsoles proved remarkably well on all types of surfaces in terms of both their overall performance and durability. Vibram outsoles are comfortable and will not slip on a leafy trail or a wet rock. In some other cases, however, you will not find Vibram but rather outsoles made of an in-house rubber compound. Chaco Z Cloud, our number 1, is an example of this category. Chaco’s rubber outsoles are extremely capable and durable, reported to last for several seasons of heavy use. They will take you anywhere, from sandy beaches to rocky slopes and they will bring you back safe and sound.


For many of you, comfort is the key element in deciding which hiking sandals to buy. This is for two reasons:

  1. Hiking sandals are bought because people want more comfort compared to what they get wearing hiking shoes for example, and
  2. When you wear hiking sandals, your skin is in direct contact with footwear (unless you decide to wear socks too). So, if the sandals are not comfortable enough, blisters will be waiting just around the corner.

How comfortable hiking sandals are depends mainly on the uppers, meaning straps and the way these are attached to one another around your foot to secure a proper fit. In hiking, the latter is called the closure system.


Best hiking sandals have straps made of synthetic materials, most often nylon webbing. These materials are highly durable and resistant to all sorts of weather conditions. At the same time, they are highly flexible and comfortable. They do a good job.

It is the overall arrangement of the straps that you have to pay attention to when looking for the best hiking sandals. Generally speaking, you will get straps around the heel, over the instep and across the forefoot. However, variations do exist. You get to choose between sandals with or without Y strap (the one that goes between your toes), with X-shaped straps (crossing one another on the instep) or with a straight step arrangement. Our particular advice here is to pay attention to lateral stability. Most hiking sandals provide solid ankle support but support from the sides varies significantly between the models.

Closure system

It would be easier to say lacing here, but not all hiking sandals have laces. Actually, depending on how they are fastened, all hiking sandals can be divided into three categories.

  1. Buckles,
  2. Velcro, and
  3. Elastic laces

All closure systems have their benefits. Yet, buckles are our favorite. This is because they are more durable than Velcro, particularly if you tend to get your feet wet quite often. So, if you want a highly reliable, durable and comfortable closure system, Chaco Z Cloud will be your perfect choice.

However, other closure systems must not be underrated. Most hiking sandals on our list have Velcro. The benefit of this material is the speed at which you can easily adjust the sandals based on your current needs. So, for example, Bedrock Sandals Cairn Adventure, our number 2, combines Velcro and buckles in their design, making an astonishingly fast and reliable closure.

Last but not the least is elastic lacing system, also called bungee lacing. Sandals with these are generally more shoe-like, such as Keen Newport H2, our number 3. The benefit of bungee lacing also lies in the speed of their adjustment (single pull) and in the fact that laces are generally found in more protective hiking sandals.

Toe protection

Not all hiking sandals have toe protection. Actually, few of them do. On our list of best hiking sandals, for example, only Keen Newport H2 feature this quality.

This fact has a lot to do with where and how people use hiking sandals. Many use them for water sports too which leave your toes pretty vulnerable. So, if frequent stepping over slippery wet stones is what you do for sports, strong toe protection comes as a true blessing. However, if you need hiking sandals for hiking exclusively or for everyday use, we recommend you choose open-toe sandals.  


The stability of the hiking sandals is secured by all the above and slightly more.

  1. Stable hiking sandals will have deep and versatile lugs. Less prominent lugs are better for water sports.
  2. Stability is also connected with the strap arrangement. Straps that intersect with one another over your instep give great stability. So do the parallel straps, the ones that secure your foot from the sides. Chaco Z Cloud and Ecco Yucatan are great examples of these, respectively.
  3. Arch support complements overall stability. Minimalistic hiking sandals such as Xero Z – Trail EV are lighter but also offer less arch support. These are great for mild hikes and everyday use. More bulky hiking sandals, such as the two above, are more supportive and more stable, which makes them better for moderate and difficult trails.
  4. Fit too plays a massive role in stability. It is how the sandals feel when you try them on. This feature cannot be clearly described as it depends almost entirely on the shape of your feet and your personal preferences. In any case, we highly recommend you try the sandals on for a few minutes before making a purchase. Give yourself time to consider all of the above.


Considering how the waterproofness of hiking footwear is provided, breathability becomes an almost completely opposite feature. As if the two were mutually exclusive. Which they are, again to a considerable extent.

Namely, no waterproof boot is 100% waterproof. The billions of pores in the membranes as tiny as they may be still exist and remain open. This means that if you dip the boots in water and let them stay for a while, some water will inevitably penetrate inside. Along with some air.

So, despite what declarations might claim, full breathability is only possible in nonwaterproof boots such as Merrel Moab 3 Mid. This means that your feet will get wet but will have the opportunity to dry off. However, various types of waterproof boots allow for different levels of air ventilation. For example, heavyweight leather boots with Gore-Tex membranes do not perform well in this context. Yet, our number 5 on the list, La Sportiva Nucleo High II GTX, breathes remarkably well with their heavy meshes and Gore-Tex Surround. eVent upper of the Altra Lone Peak ALL-WTHR Mid 2 also breathes much better than the competition.

Socks or no socks

Hiking does not have much to do with fashion (heavens, thank you for this). So, what some consider a big fashion no no, is a big hiking yes yes. This includes wearing socks with sandals. You are free to wear the two together as long as it suits you so.

One thing has to be considered, though. If you intend to wear socks with hiking sandals, you have to think of it in advance. Firstly, not all hiking sandals can be worn with socks (Y -trap sandals are no good in this case). Secondly, not all of them will be equally comfortable with and without socks (they might become tight). So, if you plan to wear hiking socks with your sandals for example on a breezy summer evening during a camping trip, try the sandals on both barefooted and in socks. You are on the safe side as long as a minor strap readjustment provides a great fit in both cases.


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